Tuesday, July 21, 2015

c#: Datagridview with Page number

I was tired of displaying a record in a grid view with only has a Next and Previous button on it, co'z I feel like I am only limited in those button, so I decided to make a something like "Paging".

First, we have to specify the design. Add a datagridview and seven Buttons on the form.
And change each button to the following names

"Button1" will be change to "btnPrevious"
"Button2" will be change to "btnOne"
"Button3" will be change to "btnTwo"
"Button4" will be change to "btnThree"
"Button5" will be change to "btnFour"
"Button6" will be change to "btnFive"
"Button7" will be change to "btnNext"

The UI should somehow look  like this.

Double click the form and declare this code inside the form class.

 int totalRecord;
        int rowToDisplay = 10;

        DataTable DataStorage = new DataTable();


On the form load, add some sample data on the declared datatable and get the total count of records created.

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a column for DataStorage
            DataStorage.Columns.Add("Col1", typeof(string));
            DataStorage.Columns.Add("Col2", typeof(string));
            DataStorage.Columns.Add("Col3", typeof(string));
            DataStorage.Columns.Add("Col4", typeof(string));

            for (int i = 0; i <= 5554; i++)
                // add a record
                DataStorage.Rows.Add(i, "A" + i, "B" + i, "C" + i);

            totalRecord = DataStorage.Rows.Count;



Create a method that will display the result in datagridview. In this method, it will calculate the start index on which the created datatable will be sought.

private void BindTheResult(int startFrom)

            var start = (startFrom * rowToDisplay);// identify index to start

            DataStorage.DefaultView.RowFilter = string.Format("Col1>= {0} AND Col1<={1}", start, rowToDisplay + start);
            dataGridView1.DataSource = DataStorage.DefaultView;


The method below will handle the buttons display and some events. This method will also compute for the total page according to the given number of rows to display.

private void PreparePaging(int startFrom)

            var totalPage = 0;

            if ((totalRecord % rowToDisplay) > 0)
                totalPage = (totalRecord / rowToDisplay) + 1;
                totalPage = (totalRecord / rowToDisplay);
            var x = 1;
            var y = 0;

            for (y = 1; y <= totalPage; y += 5)// step 5= where 5 represents the button one to five on the UI.
                if (startFrom + 1 >= y && startFrom + 1 <= y + 4)

            startFrom = y;
            // make sure to clear the text and disable the button
            btnPrevious.Enabled = startFrom > 1;
            btnOne.Enabled = false;
            btnTwo.Enabled = false;
            btnThree.Enabled = false;
            btnFour.Enabled = false;
            btnFive.Enabled = false;
            btnNext.Enabled = false;

            btnOne.Text = string.Empty;
            btnTwo.Text = string.Empty;
            btnThree.Text = string.Empty;
            btnFour.Text = string.Empty;
            btnFive.Text = string.Empty;

            if (y > 1)
                btnPrevious.Enabled = true;
                btnPrevious.Tag = y - 5;

            for (int i = startFrom; i <= totalPage; i++)
                if (x > 5)
                    btnNext.Enabled = true;
                    btnNext.Tag = i.ToString();
                    if (x == 1)
                        btnOne.Tag = i.ToString();
                        btnOne.Text = i.ToString();
                        btnOne.Enabled = true;
                    if (x == 2)
                        btnTwo.Tag = i.ToString();
                        btnTwo.Text = i.ToString();
                        btnTwo.Enabled = true;
                    if (x == 3)
                        btnThree.Tag = i.ToString();
                        btnThree.Text = i.ToString();
                        btnThree.Enabled = true;
                    if (x == 4)
                        btnFour.Tag = i.ToString();
                        btnFour.Text = i.ToString();
                        btnFour.Enabled = true;
                    if (x == 5)
                        btnFive.Tag = i.ToString();
                        btnFive.Text = i.ToString();
                        btnFive.Enabled = true;

                x += 1;



Once everything is completed, its time to handle each buttons events. Note that button one - five events are handled in BtnOne_Click method.

private void btnPrevious_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var start = btnPrevious.Tag.ToString() == "1" ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(btnPrevious.Tag) - 1;

        private void btnOne_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var btn = (Button)sender;

            BindTheResult(Convert.ToInt32(btn.Tag) - 1);

        private void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BindTheResult(Convert.ToInt32(btnNext.Tag) - 1);
            btnPrevious.Enabled = true;


If there are some bugs or errors found, kindly comment below.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

vb: Line by line printing

I just wanna share this piece of code that will help some of my fellow programmer's out there that are having a problem in printing something line by line.

Mostly, this kind of printing is done on printer that uses a carbon/ribbon printer like Epson Lx300+. Also, if you want the printer to stop right after the last character then this code will help you a lot.

This will also use the RawPrinterHelp class found at https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/322090 and some ASCII code to send command on the printer. The ASCII command that I used in this code is for Epson printer.

 Dim FN As Long = FreeFile() ' get the next id to use

 FileOpen(FN, "C:\report.prn", OpenMode.Output)

PrintLine(FN, Chr(27) + Chr(64))  ' Initialize Printer

PrintLine(FN, TAB(3), "-------------------- -------------------------- ------")
PrintLine(FN, TAB(3), "         Item              Description            Qty")
PrintLine(FN, TAB(3), "-------------------- -------------------------- ------")

PrintLine(FN) ' empty row

PrintLine(FN,Tab(3),"Item1",Tab(24),"Item1 Description",Tab(51),12) 
PrintLine(FN,Tab(3),"Item2",Tab(24),"Item2 Description",Tab(51),10) 
PrintLine(FN,Tab(3),"Item3",Tab(24),"Item3 Description",Tab(51),35) 

PrintLine(FN, chr(12)) ' Eject

The above code will create the report and save it at C directory with "report.prn" filename. Open this report using notepad application.

It's also much better to print directly the report right after it has been made, the below code will be use for this.

To print the report created:

Dim SR As New StreamReader("C:\report.prn", System.Text.Encoding.Default)
Dim dataRead As [String] = SR.ReadToEnd()
RawPrinterHelper.SendStringToPrinter(printer name, dataRead )